Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 2000 2045 Symons Valley Pkwy NW
Light sequence changing and crosswalk demand when not required. Having the crosswalk active when not required is causing stopped traffic flow during morning rush. Light is changing sequence immediately for a single car when it's not required, the lights at Symons Valley Pkwy and Evanston Way causes breaks in traffic flow as this light is only 225 meters away.
Concern: Signal Timing
Road you are travelling on: Symons Valley Pkwy
Direction of Travel: East
Time of Day: AM Rush Hour
Describe Issue: Typical traffic flow is east/west. When a signal car is turning right from business area intersection said car might only be there for a few seconds the light changes sequence and trip lights. However when this happens the pedestrian counter start for crossing Symons Valley Pkwy even so there was no demand from a pedestrian pressing the crosswalk button. Most of the time the car that is turning right out of the business area has already drove off yet light sequence has change.
address: 2121 SYMONS VALLEY PY NW
coordinates x,y: -7500.925959407524, 5671032.800631535
coordinates lat,lng: 51.175359776726914, -114.10726988922119
ward: 2
Timestamp | Description |
Tue Jan 28, 2025 07:29am | Opened |
Tue Jan 28, 2025 07:27am | Submitted via Web |