Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 39 Aspen Hills Dr SW

OPENED 6 days ago #23-00917662
Submitted Wed Dec 13, 2023

I live on aspen hills dr sw. In a town house called zen in aspen. Trying to leave the parking lot the cars parked close to entrance and curb lane create a huge blind spot. On dec 12 my wife got in an accident because a car was parked too close to the exit and my wife didn't see a car coming and got Tboned. I was wondering if no parking signs with the required distance being away from the entrance installed. I've talked to other residents and they have also had similar issues. I do have more pictures

Issue: Permanent Sign (Add or Modify)

Details of request: I live on aspen hills dr sw. In a town house called zen in aspen. Trying to leave the parking lot the cars parked close to entrance and curb lane create a huge blind spot. On dec 12 my wife got in an accident because a car was parked too close to the exit and my wife didn't see a car coming and got Tboned. I was wondering if no parking signs with the required distance being away from the entrance installed. I've talked to other residents and they have also had similar issues. I do have more pictures

Specific location details: Parking entrance into zen in aspen. Stating no parking close to entrance

address: 39 ASPEN HILLS DR SW

coordinates x,y: -15361.94843439427, 5656109.220910705

coordinates lat,lng: 51.04104614257812, -114.2190537416508

ward: 6

Timestamp Description
Wed Dec 13, 2023 06:22pm Opened
Wed Dec 13, 2023 06:22pm Submitted via iPhone Iphone