Sign on Street, Lane, Sidewalk - Request for New at 3378 Hemlock Crescent SW
We need a cross walk - a regular occurrence - parking blocking the street crossing where the sidewalk dead ends forcing crossing from between parked cars - pedestrians not visible ( the sidewalk that dead ends connects to the route- crosswalk @Spruce Drive)
Issue: New Painted Crosswalk Request
Details of request: We need a cross walk - a regular occurrence - parking blocking the street crossing where the sidewalk dead ends forcing crossing from between parked cars - pedestrians not visible ( the sidewalk that dead ends connects to the route- crosswalk @Spruce Drive)
Specific location details: Hemlock Cr SW just east of Spruce Dr SW where there is a slip road that has been approved for closure but not yet restricted
address: 556 CEDAR CR SW
coordinates x,y: -9400.241555585975, 5656843.850180387
coordinates lat,lng: 51.047778659989135, -114.13406215609741
ward: 6
Timestamp | Description |
Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:39am | Opened |
Mon Nov 13, 2023 11:39am | Submitted via Web |