Traffic Signal Timing Inquiry at 1439 Heritage Dr SW

OPENED about 9 years ago #16-00020237
Submitted Fri Jan 08, 2016

Not able to turn right to get onto northbound 14th street as drivers are queuing up in the new southbound 14th street turning lane. Drivers are not queuing in the existing turning lanes. The existing turning lanes are nearly empty but the one lane that allows drivers to turn north bound is queued up to the point that it is not usable for northbound drivers.

Concern: Left Arrow Timing

Road you are travelling on: Heritage Drive x 14th Street.

Direction of Travel: West

Describe Issue: Since the pilot started to allow triple south bound turns to 14th street from heritage drive, drivers attempting to turn right to get onto northbound 14th street are blocked because drivers are not using the existing turning lanes. Drivers are not queuing in the existing lanes causing drivers who are attempting to turn northbound onto 14th street to wait for the turn light and the traffic to move through the intersection before they came move forward. This pilot is not working as intended and is causing grief every morning. Mainly because there are long buses that are driving to heritage park and drivers queue behind them blocking the turning lane onto northbound 14th. Drivers have resorted to cutting through the community of Chinook Park to avoid this dilemma created by the pilot. Please revert this change or have the turning lane active in the evening rush hour only.

address: 1439 HERITAGE DR, CALGARY, AB

coordinates x,y: -6566.076185019039, 5649266.010060655

coordinates lat,lng: 50.979695, -114.0935055

ward: 11

Timestamp Description
Fri Jan 08, 2016 09:23am Opened
Fri Jan 08, 2016 09:19am Submitted via iPhone Iphone