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Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 1582 Sarcee Tr W10 lights burnt out in a row.
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 281 Sage Valley Dr NWLight flickering
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 12 Mckenzie Lake Mr SELight shuts on and off.
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 4001 Norford Av NWStreetlights turn on after sunset
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 261 24 Av NEMultiple lights burnt out on west side of Edmonton Trail
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 401 23 Av NEStreet light burnt out on east side of Edmonton Trail
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 2316 Edmonton Tr NEStreet light burnt out on east side of Edmonton Trail
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 269 21 Av NEStreet light burnt out on east side of Edmonton Trail
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 233 Evergreen Plaza SW Southwest CalgaryWhole circuit of streetlights turn on for about a minute, then turn off for 10 seconds, then the cycle repeats continuously. Assume the photocell for the circuit is defective
Streetlight Burnt out or Flickering at 46 Sherwood Cove NWStreet light issue - turning on and off/flickering