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Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 519 Copperpond Bv SE

Dead trees on entrance of Matammy greenway park
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00424120 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 25 days ago #24-00424120
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 519 Copperpond Bv SE

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 552 Prestwick Cir SE Southeast Calgary

There is a dead tree in front of my property 552 Prestwick Cir SE. The tree withered two years ago and does not present a pretty sight in the neighborhood. If you can revive it, please do so.
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00387362 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 25 days ago #24-00387362

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 18 Walden Rd SE

Tree Pruning Walden Rd
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00404192 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 25 days ago #24-00404192

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 1516 21 A St NW

Paper Birch by sidewalk
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00838797 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00838797
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 1516 21 A St NW

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 508 Lake Newell Cr SE

Dead tree
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00659619 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00659619
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 508 Lake Newell Cr SE

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 429 11a St NE Bridgeland Riverside

Branches of a tree are growing close to the roof of the house.
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00855699 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00855699
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 429 11a St NE Bridgeland Riverside

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 284 Lake Rosen Cr SE

Dead tree
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00659628 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00659628
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 284 Lake Rosen Cr SE

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 44 Riverstone Crescent SE

There are two dead evergreens in the Green space beside 4e Riverstone Cres
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00591710 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00591710

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 208 Pinegreen Ba NE

trees along the burm on the pinegreen close and pinecrest way side have died and it would be grand if they were removed and new ones planted
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00448535 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00448535

Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 43 Inverness Gd SE

Diseased tree
CLOSED Completed. The SR 24-00572005 has been received and created in Parks GIS. - 26 days ago #24-00572005
Tree Maintenance - City Owned at 43 Inverness Gd SE

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