On-Street Bike Lane - Repair at 6415 29 Av NW

CLOSED over 1 year ago #17-01164375
Submitted Sat Nov 18, 2017

SR Closed by Automated Script 11-DEC-22 - Westbound 16th Ave NW just before the railway bridge in the left lane, the pavement is uneven and rises up significantly. Though it doesn't look like much in person, driving over it at the 80kmh speed limit feels very unsafe. An attempt was made to add asphalt on top of this area but the repair has failed and the asphalt is crumbling, making this raised area much rougher than it used to be. This area needs to be lowered or levelled to solve the problem.

Issue: Uneven Surfaces / Cracks

Specific location details: Westbound 16th Ave NW just before the railway bridge in the left lane.

Type of Road: EXPFR002

address: 6415 29 AV NW, CALGARY,

coordinates x,y: -12723.852299666049, 5660250.220275809

coordinates lat,lng: 51.07833678946223, -114.1815815811374

ward: 1

Timestamp Description
Sun Dec 11, 2022 07:40am Closed
Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:36am Opened
Sat Nov 18, 2017 11:34am Submitted via iPhone Iphone